Workplace Health & Safety

CQ Diesel Fitting is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and ensuring the hazards associated with CQ Diesel Fitting activities and supply of goods and services are identified and effectively controlled.

Health and Safety is paramount at CQ Diesel Fitting and extends to our employees, customers, contractors, suppliers and everyone we engage with. This commitment also extends that our operations and activities do not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness or damage.

CQ Diesel Fitting recognise that the overall responsibility to provide a safe workplace rests with management, who will be accountable for the health and safety of its employees and customers. CQ Diesel Fitting is committed to encouraging consultation and cooperation between management and employees, and will formally involve elected health and safety representatives in any workplace change or any matters that may affect the health and safety of workers.

Your complete diesel maintenance & servicing experts.

If you are looking for a complete solution for diesel fitting, maintenance and servicing we’ve got you covered. We’re fast, friendly and experienced. Call us today!